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i want to continue maple's story

Do you know where her house is?


One of the best games i have ever played,created an account just to say this i might come back and see if the game will be finished in the next few years or not remember these type of games at all.Keep up the good work and wish u all the best to finish this game

how to craft i can't find this crafting desk in the tent is it the same ine he drew the crown design over it why didn't it work for me?


Click on one of the drawers to the desk


serena no in the mirror wher she

tell me

use the crystal ball for any hints you might need.

She's in the mirror most of the time

(1 edit) (+6)

Man, I love this game. The art style is just beautiful! I'm eagerly awaiting next update.

Also, Serena is the sexiest elf I've ever seen, the bedroom scene *drools*

Wish you guys have compressed file type for this game... This game might exceed 6Gb when finish 😓

There is a compressed file (the last download link in the list). It literally says 'Compressed'. 

already did it.. 

P/S: it's look like this game already at 50% I right???

Deleted 3 years ago

already check it..thanks for reminder..

Nope. The 0.5 you're referring to is the version number, not the percentage of the progress.

maybe... Depends on the guy(s) who make this game,bruhhhh


That would be the developers you are replying to...


You dumb creature the person you're replying to are the ones who're making this game....

When i go to riverside to enter the city instead of tricking the gateguard the game crush and the error is " Exception : possible infinite loop " , how to fix it please 

Thanks for reporting this. And my first advice would be to uninstall the game and reinstall it (backing up your save files in case). If that doesn't work, then it is possibly a bug. In that case, could you explain a bit more? There are several occasions when you can visit the Riverside before entering the city. Which exact quest were you on or even better, what were the hints in the crystal ball (for the Main Story and Myrtle's quest) when this happened. 

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)


  • Wholesome as fuck.
  • Great art & Story.
  • I'd play the game just for the guards.


  • I perceive time linearly so I can't play more until it's made.

I never... NEVER leave reviews for games, but this one deserves it. It is beautiful, engaging without feeling overwhelming or monotonous, and most of all funny. I am also impressed by the thoughtful considerations the developers are taking as to not make this game sexually heinous or abhorrent. I also just became a patreon member because I want MagicNuts to keep going and to be able to finish an already amazing project.

Thank you so much! 

how much time does it takes for updates??

is it like a month??

Our aim is to release an update every 3-5 months, but it may take longer depending on the story. 

This is hilarious. Enjoyable scripting makes this one fun. The imagery and quests have been fun so far, even if I'm completely stumped on how to get the log for the recipe. I've been doing the side quest at the woodcutter's lodge, so I'm there a lot, but I can't find a log outside, inside, or upstairs.

There should be three small logs (not the big stack) directly in front of the woodcutter's lodge, to the right of the bush. Can you interact with those?

Now I feel like a complete idiot. I never noticed the small pile. Thanks!

No worries, I missed those for quite a while as well, mostly because I was convinced I'd have to interact with the big stack of logs at some point.


If the world map is any indication, its a pretty huge stretch to call this a version 0.5. Game isnt even close to halfway done. But the art is 11/10, script is free of any awkward dialogue or grammar mistakes, and the MC is actually a good person without being a weird simp which is strangely rare in AVNs. Enjoyed my time in this little world

Deleted 2 years ago

Many devs these days use version numbering systems which don't actually count up from 0.1 to 1.0 - I've seen loads of games go from 0.1 to 0.9 and then continue 0.10, 0.11 etc. I'm guessing it's the same for this game.

To anyone who's hesitant to try WaL because it's not finished: The game might not be 50% done, but what's there right now is awesome (and free)! The art is amazing, the characters are really likeable and the script genuinely made me laugh out loud a bunch of times. So don't let the version number hold you back from trying this.

software versioning may look like mathematics but it has nothing to do with it. Once we reach the 0.9th update the version after that will be 0.10, and then 0.11, and so on. 


Hey Mate is this a finished game or will more updates be coming playing on PC if that helps


hi. the game is still in development. we're working on the next update. 

Please bring new updates

What's the difference between the two Android versions?

Roy's version has a few extra features and is a bit more optimized for older phones with more limited memory. otherwise, the content is the same. 


Hey MagicNuts, I like your game is there any way I can like donate to you to support your work on Tried looking for it everywhere couldn't find any link on your page or on I know you have a patreon account but they don't accept Paypal so is the only one that i know of that accepts Paypal.


Hi there. Thanks for wanting to support us. Maybe it wasn't an option before, but I just checked and it seems like Patreon does indeed accept PayPal payments now. Cheers


Patreon does accept paypal, but only for monthly contributions and not for donating. Thats the reason I asked if you were planning on "opening up" a donation box on or something.

Deleted 2 years ago

thank you so much for this kind comment! 

we need chinese please!

Guys someone help me, I'm starting to play the game now, but every time I open it it closes by itself, there's some way to solve it, every time it arrives at the castle gate right at the beginning it closes

(1 edit) (+1)

The android ports are done unofficially and some devices won't be able to run them (due to low memory). if you experience problems 1) try the other port; 2) use the Joiplay app to run the compressed PC version on your device.
Ultimately, the game is made for PC, and I cannot help you with issues on community-made ports.

I'M STUCK ON SIMMONE'S BJ SCENE. I CAN'T TOUCH ANYTHING the save button the skip button didn't workk

I'm stuck in barrel scence with lana, please help.. and i download the other wal 418mb but always crash...

me too..  i didn't finish bcuz i always stuck in barrel scene with lana... i download 418 then always crash and next i download 487 mb but i stuck in Simmone with doing hj... 

same goes here

Always stuck in the barrel with lana and then i can't finish the  what a legend 0.5.01.. someone can help me how to fix it?

I think there is a bug or just my device the app is crashes in scene in the barrel with lana.

me too bro, i will stuck in simmone hammerdick, i think there is a bug.. in android i guess

me too bro, stuck in simmone hammerdick BJ scenes 😭😭😭

i stuck in the barrel with lana.. and always crashed out

bro i know how to fix that.. Downlod the wal 0.5.01 its 418mb not 487 because if u download 418mb it will fix ur problem...

Hey, did you come up with that?

Same here bro I'm stuck on that scene?

I think just download roy's port on patreon it work properly


Art, story and dialogue = 11/10. Like, seriously, this is one of the best, if not the best games in this genre. Very well-made and kept me engaged throughout and great world-building too. The first time I got to enter the Old Capital legally with the permit I was like "Woooo yeah baby, that's what I've been waiting for!". Imagine when all the other places are unlocked, it'd be awesome to explore them all.

The characters are also charming and memorable, especially Kevin and the guards for me. Lol, I really resonate with them on a spiritual level. And the humor, oh I can safely say they hit the mark almost every time. Oh yeah and the erotic scenes, this is my reaction >

Definitely a game that I'd play even if it's not NSFW. Great job, MagicNuts. We all appreciate your efforts in making this!


In the voice of Charlie

"Wooooooo yeah baby, that what i've been waiting for"



the river wash aint werking





First off, great game! Gorgeous art! Eagerly waiting for the next update. That said, I have an idea for a scene for Maple. What's the best way to contribute?




Awesome game. Loving it!


This is a great game! As a bisexual woman I really enjoy and am impressed by how respectful the game is towards the female characters. There's nothing non-consensual, and the MC even tells someone to not use "wh*re" as an insult to women as it's a respectable profession. Such a well executed game! :)


well the MC is right about prostitution being a respectable profession... its for a reason that its called the oldest profession and at least in germany its a job like every other - the girls pay taxes and all - just because women (and to some extent men also) sell their bodies for a certain duration doesnt mean they are allowed to be degraded... my opinion...


All countries that legalized it have done it after the Netherlands initiated it. Germany is not the only country where it is legal, and it's definitely not the first.


well... i have neither said that germany is the only one or that it was the first... its just the only country i know of, its not one of the topics i keep track or something like that


Everyone sells their time or skills for pay. It's called employment.


As a bi woman as well, this review just convinced me to pick up the game. H games where women aren't just assaulted constantly are harder to find than they should be...


I finished the game and it looks amazing, I can't wait for new updates. The map gave me the feeling that the game is going to be huge in story, good job!

(1 edit)

Awwww I was really hoping to shag the old hag as she is (not with the glasses on) oh well maybe in one of the updates does anyone know of a similar style of game play?

On another note though awesome game so far played right thru and loved it please keep up the great work


Aurelia perhaps?

(1 edit)

The way you open up the menu by swiping up on android could be changed to something easier, either I missed it, or it did not tell me that, and still I have yet to come across a game which uses a similar technique

Deviant Anomalies uses the same gestures.

This game has one of the best graphics I have seen so far in a game like this, I am excitingly waiting for the next updates and I do no care how long it will take, as long as it is as high quality as it has been so far

the art on holly's meadow/tree while sleeping was so good

you got me at anal

Best gam

anyone know if i can put save game of android to the windows version?

(1 edit)

Just transfer the save file from ur phone to the pc
edit: sorry if too late lmao

no problem, thanks anyway :)

Does anyone know when the next update is Really love the artwork and game


10 art

10 animation

10 storyline

10/10 👌

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