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Hi! Just a quick question! Which one do I run? "What-a-Legend.exe" or "What-a-Legend-32.exe"? and Thanks in advance for answering!

the 32 version is for older windows systems. in most cases the base exe is the one you must run


hey! so its not letting me update the game, So is there a way I can export a save for my current game? 

Will android get updated to 7.05 soon?


Um, dumb question... Was there suppose to be new content in 0.7.05?  Or was it just a patch for QoL?  Just tried to play it but its dry of content, basically left off where I completed the late version.

    The change log: 

  • After being attacked by Gomira and before checking the records, Karl will be bandaged when he’s in the background as you interact with the Passage Permit office. He also only appears and talks about the place if he’s not bandaged
  • The maelstrom will now also be in the World Map during Myrtle and Rose’s stories
  • I changed a line of Kull where he talked about identifying as an orc since it was misunderstood as making fun of trans folks
  • After kissing the frog, Gomira will only be in the background when she’s in the forest
  • Gomira’s wanted poster in the village now has an alternative text line if you’ve met her
  • If you’ve met Gretta, she’ll bring the cookies to Karl herself
  • Readded the changes in the introduction included in the 0.6.04 update (being 19, not fondling Lana’s breast as she’s asleep, etc.) which I had accidentally removed from the 0.7 patch
  • Added two new optional conversations with Sev after you’ve done Gomira’s story
  • Added two new optional conversations with Karl 
  • since his existing comments about Simmone didn’t make sense anymore
  • Added Mei’s pubic hair to the threesome presex
  • Re-encoded Lana’s head from her first vaginal sex scene where some players had reported webp encoding issues
  • Fixed typos
  • Added a missing art from introduction (Lana sleeping on the bridge)
  • Aureola’s splahs art in the confirmation screen will only appear if you’ve finished Gomira’s story
  • Fixed typos
  • Fixed the game version number in the Main Menu screen

Ah ok, thanks for the heads up!  I got several titles in line to try out so when I'm done I'll start fresh on WaL

(1 edit)

Is the game storyline completed in android or is it abandoned?


The game's not abandoned. We're working on 0.8, which focuses on finishing Holly's story. The Android port is fan-made and the person who ported it didn't update it to the latest bug fix


What a Legend 7.05 can't be updated to or installed using the app. The app doesn't show it as having an update and if you uninstall to reinstall you get error no compatible downloads.


The files needs to be flagged for platform compability for the itch app to recognize them as available for respective OS.


Is there an update coming?


we're working on the 0.8 release and there's a daily progress tracker in our discord server. there's no set release date, except that it'll be out this year.

I'm a little curious, is there something in particular about this game that makes it take longer to update than others? I've seen games with similar gameplay or art quality that take less time to update while offering similar levels of play quality. What makes yours take longer? No hate, I love this game, just wondering what makes it unique.


I have no idea. we work every day full-time, six days a week. others must be more talented.


I'm assuming it is because of the art? The other games usually use renders from platforms like Koikatsu or HS, Blender, etc... vs digital drawn art.
I'm no artist nor 3d animator, but I believe once you have the 3d assets done, you can do stuff faster than drawing everything all the time.

I'm not 100% sure that is the case, but it is what I am assuming

That makes sense. Figured it was something more custom like artstyle, engine, or advanced gameplay. Thanks

Does deleting old saves fix the crashing problem.  I am having?.

No, likely not. The Android port is unofficial, and the game was never made for possibly lower-memory devices.

I am going to be upgrading Eventually, to a higher tier of phone or finally play on PC. 


I wish that you guys would add pregnancy


we will and it will be optional


Hey, I'm aware that the game is developed by only two people, and congratulations for creating this wonderful work. A future idea is to add a graphics option, I beg you, I suffer from crash problems and I believe that a simple option to reduce the graphics and animations would solve 90% of this problem. I thank you in advance for reading and I hope you accept this idea.

we already have a graphics option but on PC/mac. press shif+G and play around with different features to make the game more playable on your system. if you're on an Android device, however, things are more complicated as that's an unofficial port, and I'd rather spend the dev period working on the next release.

(1 edit)

Is 0.7.03c the latest version? If not where can I get the latest version?

I am looking for the image/cut scene Gold bush or Golden Bush


the latest update is 0.7.05 and it includes several bug and typo fixes. see the download links again, please (just updated)


best game ever 


Loved the fairytale fantasy elements in this one. Check out my full review:


Awesome game. Playing it third time now. 

FYI Latest android update seems to be crashing at Lana animated scene after stealing purple ring. (not sure if it's just me) 


This game is by far the best game I have played of this kind, best story, best image, I'll be waiting for the next update eagerly.

Also congrats for the dev family hope you have a great a healthy year!

Hey love the game. My current issue is that it lags in sex scenes on Android. Was enjoying the scene between Lana and mc about to fuck in the bathing barrel when it freezes and boots me out. Help please

They told me. Because its caused by Low Ram on You're Phone. There was nothing they can do..

I loved the added story but, could we maybe break it into digestible parts? The "clearly not Guybrush" MC should at least get some tag-in time to let the player take a break from the non-stop reading.


Yeeaa new update


Oof, this new update was a long one! Love the Gomira story line!  took 4 days to complete (not consistantly of course). You my dear DEV have made me make a folder "Play Again" so I can return to this title to restart from the beginning and do another play through! Well at lease until the next update anyway.

Gomiras storyline brought a few new faces that I hope to eventually persue eventually! Jen with her lovely bubble rump, dragon girl.  I hope to see more then just eyes on the lovely Gobo madame.

I am wondering, During Gormiras story, I picked up a shield with what looked like a naga girl on it.  Are there plans for nagas, centaurs and mermaids? I'm kinda hoping so!

Keep up the amazing work! Hope to see the next update!


Do you guys plan on doing any content with Percy? It could be optional, because I really liked him! 


I agree, he is kinda cute and looks like a submissive.  Would love to have a go with him!


How do I move my save file from the previous version?


One thing that I love about this game is that everyone, not just the MC, has deep personalities and I enjoy most of them! While the MC thinks with his lower head a bit more than I like, he's a horny teen so what should I expect? Of all the characters in What A Legend, there's only 3 I dislike, Lord Hammerdick (but he's kind of the villain), Waldo (first class jerk, who does get a couple of glorious karma shots because of his jerkass attitude) and Serena (who acts like a spoiled brat). Everyone else, I either like, or at least have some sympathy for. The various guards are well written, Kevin especially. I'm looking forwards to more because the writing is so good! 

Is the update not out on Android? Coz for me the main story ended after we rescued the lady from prison


hey! any chance there's an Android download for the game yet?



Love this game, and the 7.03 update was great. Looking forward to the next installment. The fully completed game will undoubtedly be...Legendary.

Is it not completed yet?

no, you can track real time progress on their website to also see whats next :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I've been a fan of the game for a while now and just wanna say you guys made a great game. I was just wondering if you guys still planned to upload new versions on newgrounds? Sorry if this is a weird question.

Is there progress with the main story with this update or is it only the orc?

Gomira's story track only, but it's excellent.

next story supplement is holly. if you follow their main website it gives real time updates on the updates

have they said when they will continue the main story line?

can't say for sure as they add new stuff each update as well as change old stuff... the dev logs list all the changes and additions. unfortunately means you need to replay the game to get things they altered and added each time. 


I've been so excited for this update. Definitely worth the wait Im really looking forward to the future of WaL


Spectacular update! Thank you so much, and I look forward to the next!



i can't download the game shows no compatible download were found help!

I keep getting a crash when i am at lana's scene after stealing the runestone, i am on pc and already using the compressed version, is this just a bug or can i fix it?


That happens when there isn't enough RAM. click shift+G and play around with different graphics options: changing renderer, framerate, etc. might help


is it possible to use a save file from the previous version on the update? Or do I need to start fresh?

your old save files should work.

Can you fix the game during the secne between lana and the mc in the barrel because it crashes during that. On Android this occurs.


the android port is an unofficial build. if it crashes or closes the game, it's due to your device's low RAM. you can try closing other applications, but otherwise there's very little I can do

Do you think deleting some old saves would fix the problem?.

The app was not installed because the package conflicts with an existing package. What can i do ?

delete the old version

(2 edits)

Can you fix the game during the secne between lana and the mc in the barrel because it crashes during that. On Android this occurs. 

I'm having the same problem as you right now hopefully the devs fix it

I own Soul Reaver remaster for my Switch that is keeping me occupied.  


game just says no compatible downloads were found, it wouldn't launch so i uninstalled. when i went to reinstall it wouldn't let me. just says "no compatible downloads were found". I was able to play 6.02, so idk what's happening


When will Pregnancy Be added ?.

I'm guessing y'all removed the auto button bug? I tried it again and it doesn't work anymore

The Android version won't update for me.

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